

How to Add Custom Field to Options in Advanced Product Options Extension

How to Add Custom Field to Options in Advanced Product Options Extension

Reading Time: 7 minutes Change the previously created app by adding the plugin there: <?php namespace VendorNameOptionGtinObserver; use MagentoFrameworkEventObserver; use MagentoFrameworkEventObserverInterface; use MagentoCatalogModelProductRepository as ProductRepository; use MageWorxOptionBaseHelperData as BaseHelper; class AddGtinToOrder implements ObserverInterface { /** * @var BaseHelper */ protected…

The 6 Gifts Holiday Shoppers Want This Year

Consumer sentiment has changed dramatically in the wake of the pandemic, with buyers prioritizing health, sustainability, and purpose-driven brands. At the same time, consumer behavior changed faster than ever before, with more people shopping online in new-to-digital segments like grocery…