MageCONF has celebrated its anniversary this year and couldn’t be missed even despite the worldwide volatility and uncertainty. So MageCONF 2020 was held online, gathering around 500 attendees joining from all over the world. Thanks to each and everyone for the challenging questions, knowledge sharing and just having fun both during the presentations, the breaks and networking sessions. Even with an online format, we can have a joint photo like this one 🙂
See you soon – at the Meetups, Contribution days… And hopefully offline events next year!

Important to note: few of the videos will be available later due to technical issues, we’ll keep you posted.

Important to say that the event wouldn’t be possible without the support of real Magento enthusiasts – our sponsors! Despite the widespread budgets cut-offs these companies invested in the Community, it’s spirit and long-term knowledge building process. Our wholehearted gratitude is with you!
In case you’ve missed our awesome conference wallpapers – download them right now!
Do we strive for your feedback? Of course! Here’s the link to post-event survey.

Would we do that again? Surely yeah!
Can we say that everything was perfect? Of course not :). However, there were almost no technical issues among 30+ speakers and it actually went smoother than expected.
A special round of applause goes to more than 35 amazing speakers from different areas and locations delivering talks on trending topics relevant to all the community members. Talks were vetted and selected by a committee of Adobe and Magento Community representatives and had great feedback from conference participants.
Keynote from Jason Woosley kicked off the conference perfectly and gave the right direction to the flow of 5 tracks running in parallel with 6 presentations at each.
Also, check out the recap of the Contribution Day powered by MageCONF 2020.
It is hard to underestimate the power of like-minded people gathering together in one place. Especially for the Magento Community – where smart and passionate contributors co-create, coordinate and compete – all at the same time. But what to do when new norms kick in and it is not possible to meet up in-person? Of course, we play to our collective strengths. We share ideas and we innovate. The result was hosting MageConf 2020 all online realizing the same ‘ole in-person experience.
Presentations were too good to be missed, so their recordings are available at YouTube [link to playlist].