When Magento 2.4.5 was launched in August 2022, we were unable to download the package. Adobe just eliminated the ability to download Magento archives from their website as Magento grows more technical. Instead, they offer a number of commands to demand the most recent version of Magento 2.4.5. These commands will make it extremely challenging and complicated for regular customers to obtain the updated version.
We will guide you through downloading Magento 2.4.5 using command and installing in this tutorial. Using commands will help you operate more efficiently and save time.

Download Magento 2.4.5

Step 1: Run a command in composer to download specific Magento 2 version:
composer create-project –repository-url=https://repo.magento.com/magento/project-community
-edition:2.4.5 magento245
Note that: “magento245” is the folder to store the code download.
If you want to add the Magento Sample Data, run the following commands in the Magento root directory

bin/magento sampledata:deploy

Before installing Magento, you will be prompted to provide your username and password for the repo.magento.com website. Log into Magento Marketplace and choose My Account from the top-right menu to view your repo.magento.com login and password. Select Generate Your New SECURE KEYS from the Access Keys menu. Alternately, press this key:
User: 7c018006799466c681ad507e27904677
Pass: 289077c86e811661a8f7751828485d3a
After inserting your repo.magento.com username and password, it will ask for store credentials. Type “Yes.”
Then Magento 2 will now start downloading on your server. Now you can continue to install magento 2.4.5 once the download is done

Need Help To Upgrade Magento 2.4.5 Store?

If you want to UPGRADE Magento 2.4.5 Store to utilize all new features, let our experts help you. We will help you move to the latest platform version.
All customization and specific features can be discussed, so don’t be afraid to share all ideas with us. Please feel free to contact our custom work department.

Thanks for reading this!

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