Besides that, the other updates continue, including PHP 8.1 and Magento 2.4.4 compatibility, bug fixing, and feature customization. Check the details now!
8.1. Meta Tags Template for Magento 2
If you run a B2B website, you should add extra custom fields that correspond to your interests and verify the validity of your B2B customers rather than making the sign-up form too brief.

Please login to your account and go to My Downloadable Products to get the link to update the version on your site.


1. Product Improvement

Now, in v1.2.1, the module is updated: 

Magento 2 Configurable Product Minimum Quantity Extension is the ultimate solution for store owners who want their customers to be required to order configurable products with a base quantity.
Magento 2 Social Login extension is the essential extension for any Magento site to speed up customer login process. It allows customer to log in Magento site through social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus…
Magento 2 B2B Company Credit extension enables the tracking of purchase order information, defining customer credit limitations, and enhancing communication between store owners and B2B clients.
2.3. Magento 2 Company Account
Customers love free shipping! Knowing this obvious fact, Magento 2 Free Shipping Bar extension will help you present your free shipping policy to buyers in a compelling and irresistible way.
1.1. Magento 2 Custom Option Template
It is updated into v1.0.6: Fix CSS error when switching modes. Compatible with Magento marketplace (convert setup dir). Fix bug background-repeat. Change subscribe function into ajax. Compatible with PHP 8.1.

  • Set the minimum quantity allowed in the shopping cart for a specific configurable product.
  • Tailor messages to notified customers of the minimum quantity requirement.

The Magento 2 Store Credit extension is an useful method that may speed up refunds and improve client loyalty. Accordingly, you can refund by store credit right into Customer Account. Customers can spend the credit on later purchases.

  • Fix bug Dicompile: PHP version 8.1/Magento version 2.4.4. 
  • Convert file InstallSchema into db_schema.


We are always willing to support you.

This extension allows customers to:
Magento 2 Customer Attributes allows adding unlimited fields that you need to customer registration to collect more important customer data and get a better understanding of your potential buyers from the very first place.
With the Custom Maintenance Page & Coming Soon Page for Magento 2 extension, the website admin can design a stunning page to inform visitors that it is temporarily inaccessible. It will give visitors a good impression and encourage them to come back later.
1.3. Magento 2 Minimum Quantity of Configurable Product
2.1. B2B Registration for Magento 2

  • v1.3.2: Compatible with Magento 2.4.4 and PHP 8.1; Compatible with BSS M2 Company Account: Add new config Is Company Account in Backend when both modules are enabled; Fix prefix database when setup module; Convert setup to patch data.
  • v1.3.3: Fix the bug not displaying Personal Information fields in My Account on Frontend.

6.2. Magento 2 Out of Stock Notification
Only by classifying customers, you can come up with appropriate pricing, promotion strategies, or customer management.
In v1.1.0, we also optimize code compatible with declarative schema.

  • Purchase many times, make payment one time
  • Buy on credit unlimitedly within the assigned credit line
  • Get rewards and financial incentives for running their business

This module is updated in June with v1.0.7 including fixing bug Dicompile: PHP version 8.1/Magento version 2.4.4 and converting file InstallSchema to db_schema.
3.2. Magento 2 Improved Product Sorting

  • Fix bug add-ons CustomerToSubUser: can not assign customer to sub-user without SMTP; no external lock with order_id; Button “Back” is not translated because it has not yet used the translated card in the template.File; 
  • Update: Add role submit Order Waiting for sub-user; Admin company account and sub-user have permission to approve Order Waiting; Company Account Report permission feature; Compatible with BSS M2 Customer Attributes: Attribute ‘Is Company Account’ of BSS M2 Company Account is enabled when adding BSS Customer Attributes; Add email notifications when updating sub-user/role and re-compose the email order in Configuration (BE).

In v1.4.3: Compatible with function strpos() PHP8.1 & M2.4.4.
The next update of Dependent Custom Options after v1.1.2 in May is v1.2.3 in June: Fix bug when upgrading module from v1.0.9 to v1.1.2.
sale-motivation -update

  • Compatible with Magento 2.4.4 and PHP 8.1; 
  • Compatible with declarative schema; 
  • Update: only apply template when module activated

Secondly, you can check the next Magento 2 extensions that have already compatible with PHP 8.1 and Magento 2.4.4 below:
Custom Option Template extension makes up your product pages with an unlimited number of customized templates. These are applied to the custom options section and are more friendly with customers.


7.1. Magento 2 GeoIP Store Switcher

For more reference, see our Magento 2 Extension Update in May 2022.
Table of Contents
2.4. Magento 2 Request for Quote
*Note: The latest version of the BSSCommerce extension is available on your account.

4. Free ExtensionS

If you have any questions or require any assistance, please feel free to contact us.
2.2. Magento 2 B2B Company Credit
Customizing your registration form is essential, regardless of whether your website targets only B2B users or includes B2B and B2C visitors.

5. Customer ExtensionS


There are 3 times for updating in June 2022:
Synchronization with Marketplace
Do you know Hyva theme – the cutting-edge technology now? It’s a new trendy Magento 2 frontend that solves many Magento 2 problems about website development and speed.
In v1.0.4, B2B Company Credit has feature updates: Split template of Company Credit Info grid and Log transaction grid; Compatible with Declarative Schema; Do not support checkout with multi-addresses.

6. Sale Motivation 

sale-motivation -update
Magento 2 Request for Quote allows having a price discussing between B2B business and store owners. It is a tool to improve B2B Sales and enhance business relationship. 

We focus on this extension and there are 2 updated versions this month:
Understanding its outstanding features, BSS Commerce has already implemented updating Magento 2 extensions with Hyva theme compatibility in June 2022.
Easy management
3.1. Coming Soon & Maintenance Page for Magento 2
Quick installation

  • Compatible with Hyva theme
  • v1.3.0: Fix bug dicompile and click button “Cron now” redirected to frontend. Convert install/upgrade schema scripts to db_schema.xml files and data/patch format.
  • v1.3.1: Fix bug cannot run executeQueryinRow() due to missing $setup variable.

7. Administration

4.1. Social Login for Magento 2

5.1. Magento 2 Customer Attributes
In v1.0.7, we both fix bug and new update:
Detecting users’ IP locations and redirecting them to the appropriate store view takes a second with GEOIP Store Switcher extension. Now, it is compatible with M2.4.4/PHP 8.1 in v1.4.2. Besides that, we fix bug not auto redirecting when enabling or disabling pop-up, fix bug of having to flush the cache for auto redirect to work properly.

8. SEO Extensions

Magento 2 B2B Registration Form extension allows you to add unlimited attributes in the signup form and verify customer registration before activating accounts.

Besides manually installing Magento 2 extensions via SSH, we also support installing via composer.
You can bring a friendly experience for customers with Magento 2 Out of Stock Notification extension. This allows customers and guests to sign up for out of stock products. The extension will automatically send a notification email to the list of subscribed customers when the product is back in stock.
Utilizing Google’s structured data principles, the Meta Tags Template enables you to create and optimize the metadata for your online business. It gives store owners a number of capabilities, including customisation and the ability to create an auto-filling template for thousands of your products. 
There are 2 bugs that are fixed in v1.1.4: Fix bug compatible with PHP 8.1: does not place order; Fix bug choose calendar in Report of BSS Store Credit.
This module supplies customers with 8 new commercial attributes to sort the catalog by discount, newest, recent orders, etc. to hit the buyers’ demands and push sales and promotional items to the max level. Several bugs, in v1.0.2, are fixed: Fix bug when entering the frontend category page, Fix bug sorting options don’t work, Fix issue arrange sort empty.
In v1.3.5, the updates of this extension are: Compatible with Magento Version 2.4.4 and PHP 8.1; Fix bug compatible with Swagger; Update logic: Add variable email template; Fix displays store labels in order detail; Fix not pass when running composer dump-autoload.
6.1. Free Shipping Bar for Magento 2
In v1.0.9, we fixed the bug date-picker box not showing when clicking the Date of Birth field in the create account popup.
Being known as a solution of account management in B2B business, now, in v1.2.0, Magento 2 Company Account has already been better with many updates:
It is also updated for a better feature’s name in v1.1.3: Change config name “Subtotal include tax” into “Free shipping threshold include tax”. Fix bug config “Free shipping threshold include tax” doesn’t work when Display Subtotal = Excluding Tax.
2.5. Magento 2 Store Credit
1.2. Magento 2 Dependent Custom Options
First of all, 4 modules are being officially compatible with Hyva theme in June 2022:
Please take a look at our guide for composer installation support: 

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