Share your vision on PHP 8 features in Magento 2! See the link to the survey in the blog post:https://t.co/hAauCb7FBl
Adobe Summit – April 27-28, 2021 [online].
It is always good to have a handy tool covering the majority of the daily routine. The Magento eco has such tools. One of them is the PHPStorm Magento 2 plugin. The core feature and the main benefit of this tool are in the fact that all features included in the plugin are those we use in daily activity. Automation of routines decreases the number of mechanical errors, improves an overall quality. The community of enthusiasts is unstoppable with its development. New alpha was released on January 21st — Magento PhpStorm 3.1.0-alpha-2021-01-21-08-50. By the way, new features are close to be released as a GA (general availability). And the top one is the DB schema generation.
The PHP 8 compatibility is on the way! With the new PHP version support Magento ecosystem will be ready not only for the whole set of the new features but will also follow the PHP maintenance road map. This is wonderful news because PHP 7.2 will no longer be supported as of February 2021. This project is so challenging because of its dependencies. The line in composer can lead to a deep investigation of what was changed in the 3rd party module and how this can affect the core of the platform.
- Trends 2021
- Low-Code Solutions
- Magento 2021 Certification Challenge
- Headless Game
- Community activity monthly recap
- Tech Mix
- Events
Trends 2021
Message queue approach is a key to the success with asynchronous data processing. Especially when you have a repeated list of actions such as data feed generation, sending sales data to the ERP systems or even quote cleaning processes. To make the Message queues in Magento consistent, Oleksandr Kravchuk “puts a poison pill after each ‘setup:upgrade’ execution.” Such approach has a positive debate thread where contributors and maintainers agreed on having run a fix not only during the setup:upgrade action but also implementing the CLI command. This adds required flexibility to the deployment process. Check the debate and status at magento/magento2#23540: Queue consumers. Check out the full edition – PHP Annotated – January 2021.
Low-Code Solutions
Trends are everything — catching up an emerging trend may be a difference between great new business and “at least I learned something new”. We gathered a couple of articles that we find useful and that should be checked by every eCommerce merchant.
Phillip Jackson
“Not all solutions result in code; not all code results in a solution”
More Info:
Magento PWA Studio v9 is out.
Magento 2021 Certification Challenge
The Magento Cloud continues improving clients’ experience with the new alerts and site health check tools. From the business and development perspective, having access to the project status through the informative alerting system is great.
Read about our plans for PHP 8 migration in the latest #Magento #php8 project update!
We believe that knowing these trends will help you develop and grow your eCommerce in the constantly changing environment.
Headless Game
Security is always a top priority. Taking into account a bazillion lines of the business code stored in the GitHub repositories, it is really handy that the GitHub platform provides a set of tools to keep your solutions save and stable.
To learn more about the adjustments that allow controlling your project status, check out this article: Reduce Outages and Improve Site Health with Magento Managed Alerts.
Check the progress here: PHP 8 Compatibility Backlog. In the Magento Dev blog you can find a detailed article about the migration to PHP 8 from Sergii Ivashchenko – Magento Migration to PHP 8 Update. Pay attention to the article’s comments thread, which will give you a better understanding of some tricky points of this upgrade.
Nowadays merchants want and need such type of solutions available for challenges that were considered an enterprise level yesterday. Tasks like complex data analysis and personalization will become more and more common during years to come.
PHP 8 Support
12% of 2021 has already passed. As they say, time sure flies. We are now well into the new year, and we are actively learning and applying these lessons as we Zoom through the first quarter. Is it too early to share what we are experiencing? Never! Sharing eCommerce trends and predictions is what we do. Magento is, after all, a dynamic platform built on top of an adaptive ecosystem.
Check out the GitHub security recap of the 2020: GitHub security features: highlights from 2020.
Message queues in Magento
You can review all the recent demos on YouTube. We at Atwix are working closely with other contributors and Adobe to develop the Magento PWA Studio framework and GraphQL Magento coverage. Will share more news on v9 of PWA on our blog, so please subscribe.
Should Great Britain be removed from the EU country list in Magento?
We hope you enjoyed this in-depth issue. Please share your 2021 experiences and observations, share MageNews to grow the Magento community, and of course if you have not already – subscribe to Atwix’s monthly peer blog. Stay warm and well!
PhpStorm Magento 2 Plugin
Some of Atwix people participate in the challenge — join us and let’s do this together! Registration is available via the link below.
Automated Tests in Magento 2
Just a reminder — PWA (progressive web apps) are meant to bring mobile app-like experience to your regular Magento mobile websites as well as improve Magento 2 performance. Magento PWA Studio is a PWA solution native to Magento and is being developed by Adobe and Magento eco of contributors.
Magento 2.5.x Backlog
We already see a lot of activity in Magento ecosystem — like PHP 8 support and Magento 2.5. These projects are being actively developed to bring significant value to merchants. We are also experiencing macro change that impacts how we transact business, like supporting Great Britain after Brexit (now listed within Magento alongside but not within EU countries). In total there is much to discuss and compare, so grab a hot beverage of your choice (it is still February!)…and read on!
Magento API changes in Magento 2.5
The story of how to make a page with animation and great performance from the GitHub blog is a great read. Enjoy – Making GitHub’s new homepage fast and performant.
Tech mix
PHP RFCs, tools and frameworks updates
SwiftOtter has launched a Magento training challenge with a due on May 30, 2021. The idea is simple — take part, learn remotely together, get certified and win some goodness.
Super informative and thrilling digest from the JetBrains with PHP news about the newest PHP RFCs, tools and frameworks updates was released. In the January addition you can find recap of the PHP Versions Stats – 2020.2 Edition, PHP RFC: Restrict $GLOBALS usage and, of course, PHP RFC: Add array_is_list(array $array): bool.
GitHub Security Highlights
Some brands are thriving at the moment, making use of social commerce, SMS, DTC channels, introducing new and existing marketplaces (Google Shopping — yes, you are still remembered), and offering even more sophisticated loyalty programs.
It is not a secret that the Magento 2 upgrade process relates to complex engineering actions. There are a lot of things we need to keep an eye on. For example, dependencies, backwards compatibility, performance, deployment and data consistency after the update. The Magento 2.4 was released last year, and to allow vendors and clients prepare to the next release two interesting projects were opened in the Magento GitHub: 2.5 Milestone Backlog and 2.5 Milestone PRs Dashboard. They make it easier to keep a track of things delivered in future releases.
More GitHub
What is a low-code solution? Essentially, this is a solution that can be implemented with no/or a little development effort — a plug-and-play model.
Magento Cloud Updates
Magento is an international omnichannel platform and keeps an eye on the world’s changes. The Brexit happened and some adjustments were made in the Remove Great Britain from EU country list. The simple code adjustments has informative discussion about the Magento tax processing. Check this out!
The Code Contribution process in the Magento consists of numerous actions and rules — how to create a PR, describe a solution, squash commits, create a port if needed, etc. One of the vital needs is covering the PR’s solution with the tests (functional, integration, unit) and also passing the core tests. This requirement allows us to keep the platform stable and safe. For those who want to know more about the Magento testing infrastructure, there is a detailed explanation of what Pull Request Tests mean.
Want More?
In the meantime, you can enjoy an article from our CTO Yaroslav RogoMagento PWA Studio extensibility as well as learn about the future of Magento themes development in a new podcast from Mage Round Table.
Brands continue to face emerging challenges and are seizing new opportunities born in 2020 — like how to make eCommerce socially rewarding and engaging but also a secure and timely means to a merchant’s delivery to their customer — much like in-person commerce provided pre-pandemic.